COVID19 Update - 3-17-2020
At this time, we are taking all the necessary health precautions recommended by our State and National Chiropractic Boards (we just got off the phone and completed our team meeting yesterday).
Inspire Life IS OPEN with some important changes - see below.
This means being mindful of office flow (less than 10 people in the office at a time), proper training on employee sanitizing efforts, and educating people on their own health (including if they are expressing signs of cough, fever, chills, etc. to consider rescheduling to another time).
We will continue to update you because we care about you - it’s that simple.
AND - stay tuned for our Inspire Life Virtual Vitality Series! We’ll be going LIVE on all things vitality - food, neurology, movement, meditations, virtual yoga, meditations, virtual workouts, and more!
You can check it ALL out here (for FREE).
We love you,
Dr. Mel and Michael