We stand for a world where your health is inspired by CHOICE, rather than inhibited by CHANCE. With our advanced, gentle, and extremely effective approach to chiropractic care, we have the unique ability to care for each practice member as an individual.
We Don’t Guess, We Test
With our NeuroScan tests, we have the ability to discover specific challenges and concerns in your health, getting to the core of major health barriers rather than masking the effects.
Pregnancy, Pediatric, & Family Focus
At Inspire Life, we stand for supporting and growing healthy kids from day 1 of life. From pre-zero to 101 years of age, our vision is to create a healthy, happy community from the inside out.
Reorganizational Healing & Network Care
In today’s world, we are forced to navigate and negotiate all different types of stressors. What if life could be simpler; what if we could learn strategies to better sustain our health and well-being?
“Gentle, effective, powerful and most of all, transformational.”
— Cindi
No aggressive twisting or popping?
Many people ask HOW we work with our practice members differently than traditional chiropractic. Tune in here as Dr. Mel shares the HOW behind Network Spinal Care, the unique approach to care we utilize in our office.
See how we can help you and/or your loved ones by connecting with us today: 651-756-1218