Your Body is AMAZING!
All our organ systems working individually and together, hormones rushing around, trillions of chemical reactions, breathing, beating, eating, digesting, excreting, thinking, moving, repairing, growing, reproducing, seeing, smelling, hearing, feeling, etc, etc, etc!!!
Trying to comprehend the dynamic system is really quite staggering. So much is happening on a subconscious level. This is fortunate, just imagine if you had to consciously control every time you needed to breathe or your heart to beat. You’d be walking down the street and fall over because you’d forgotten.
We tend to take our bodies for granted and even abuse them with poor nutrition, inadequate rest or movement, and a myriad of other stresses that add up over time. Our bodies are able to adapt and compensate around many stressors, but they ultimately decompensate and break down, resulting in pain, symptoms, and other effects on health. It’s generally only once we lose our health in some way that we really appreciate it!
I’m fortunate to be in a position to marvel at bodies every day, from the newborn baby brought in for their first adjustment, to the 93-year old whose body is still going strong. The reason Network Care works is that it taps into your body’s incredible wisdom, so you do the healing from the inside out.
Network FAQ: How do the light touches in Network Care work?
I love when someone gets off the table at their first visit and looks at me quizzically as if to say, “You barely touched me yet I felt my body relax, tension release, my breathing deepen and my mind calm down. How on earth does it work?”
Well…in a nutshell, the precise touches in a Network Adjustment send powerful signals to your brain to let go of stored tension and stress.
The first thing to understand is your body works as a whole, and it’s our brain that controls EVERYTHING. Through your nervous system it monitors, coordinates and responds to everything inside and outside of you, keeping you alive and as healthy as possible.
Whenever there’s tension in your body it’s most often created by your brain as a means of protecting you from unresolved stress. By stress I mean anything that’s a challenge to you - physically, psychologically, or chemically. Your body has engaged with it, but then not fully let go, either because the stress is too big or it’s ongoing. Layers of stress build up, leading to significant physical tension and distortion, as well as psychological and emotional wind ups.
Talking to Your Brain
In a Network Adjustment, we’re directly communicating with your brain to address this unresolved stress. The contacts are at the anchor points of the tension patterns in our spine, at either end where your spinal cord hooks in. Precise contacts help your brain find the stored tension and stress. It’s like it runs a sophisticated self-diagnostic to detect problems.
Gentle Wake Up Calls
It’s the gentleness of the touches that get your brain’s attention in a whole new way. When your brain is stuck in stress mode, the lower protective “brain stem” is way more active. The touches are a signal to this part to switch off and for the upper, letting go “frontal lobe” to wake up. I’m judging just the right amount of force your body needs to feel safe and relax.
The effects are universal and powerful. Over a series of adjustments, the contact points develop and become better and better at actively helping your body digest the unresolved tension. This flows into your life, and in particular helps you deal better with future stress and make good decisions for yourself.
With less tension and stress on board, the natural wisdom of your body is able to fully express itself, making you healthier and helping you thrive!
If you ever have any questions about Network Spinal, Inspire Life, or what Dr. Mel and Michael do to live and thrive at their fullest potential, let us know! We are here for all people to help create the healthiest community imaginable. Don’t forget to check out our #Thriveology101 classes, and as always, keep inspiring 🙂