TRUTH Talk - How I have benefitted from racial oppression and white privilege
The other day, my mentor Leo Rising encouraged white allies to look at their life and how often they have benefitted from racial oppression. Wow. I thought I was awake and aware, but this struck an even deeper chord.
I accepted the invite and went all in.
I journaled about every single thing I could remember in which there was some version of racial oppression and/or white privilege.
This one experience a few years back came to mind very strongly.
I invite you to take a listen and hear it from your own privileged perspective…
I am a FIRM believer that when we face and move through our discomfort, we GROW. We grow not only for ourselves, but the community and people that surround us. And I’m doing just that as a white, privileged doctor. This is one version of the work I am doing to contribute to a world of racial justice - looking at my own life and naming how I have benefitted from the systematic oppression that exists in our country (and world, at that matter).
Until I started really looking at it, I was unaware growing up how much I’ve subconsciously benefited at the expense of others when it comes to race. And I can promise you that if you are a white person reading this, you have benefitted too. I’m not perfect. I’m learning, growing, making mistakes, waking up, and getting educated. This is a process, a marathon my friends, not a sprint.
I hope this inspires you to take a deep, truthful look at your life and the systems in which you operate.
Peace and love, Dr. Mel