The “One-Off” Paradon: Why We Don’t Deal In Quick-Fixes
Healing & coming back to wholeness is like dating…
Sure, 1 date can feel nice and don’t we all love that honeymoon effect?
But then after a while, stuff starts to come up…those little mannerisms from your partner that trigger your inner stuff you have yet to learn to love.
Healing & embodying wholeness is no different.
While “feeling good” is what we often seek in the beginning, there are layers that arise to assist us in waking up from trauma and baggage to become more whole.
Oftentimes people think “healing” means feeling good all the time and having no pain.
Health is so much more than that. Our life is more than just pain. We are multi-dimensional creatures with emotions, organs, glands, experiences, careers, and relationships.
If we feel dissonance in any of these areas of life, it will eventually manifest in our body as a signal, symptom, pain, tension.
If the patterns we’ve been living into have existed for years, it may take some frequency to arrive back to balance and wholeness.
Like dating. It takes time and frequency to really know a person in their wholeness.
It takes time and frequency to come back to your person, your body, your wholeness.
And it begins with safety in the nervous system. This is what we’re all about. Not the “one-off stuff”…but the deep embodiment that can be accessed over time through consistency, frequency, and intention.
So…we welcome you to join us on the journey back home to wholeness. We’re honored to be a witness to your inner greatness.
With you every step of the way,
The Inspire Life Team