Your Biography is Written in the Code of Your Biology

Your Biography is Written in the Code of Your Biology

How your body shares more than you think
By Dr. Mel Krug, Inspire Co.

Have you ever received a session at Inspire Life and thought to yourself, “How did they know?! I barely told them anything!” That’s because your bodymind and spine tell the story of your life. As we like to say, “Your biography is written in the code of your biology.” Or maybe you chose the “Minnesota Nice” route in your session and said, “I’m fine!” When your life and body are actually doing the opposite but you’re ashamed to be real about it. Your spine and nervous system do NOT lie. And we’re trained to pick up on these subtle, yet powerful somatic cues that are often unconscious to your cortical mind. We’re not here to judge - we’re here to help you be aligned and authentic in all realms of your life - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Here are some ways you can amplify your alignment both on and off the table at our office.

1.Focus on what’s different and what’s novel

Where your focus goes, energy flows. While we know this is a cliche statement, it’s becoming more and more true in the healing arts. If you constantly focus on what’s wrong, your pain, your problems, and your drama, what do you think you’ll create more of? And in reverse, if you choose to focus on what’s growing, what’s shifting, what’s novel, and what’s different session to session, what do you think you’ll create more of? This does NOT mean you bypass your pain. We are suggesting, rather, you invite other ways of perceiving your body and life to evoke new experiences in your brain, nervous system, and emotions. Engaging with a part of a system (like your body) this way allows the entire system (including your “problem parts”) to start to shift and evolve versus staying stuck in patterns that make your authentic self harder to access.

Your authentic self has many names. Here are some examples you can choose from to create more effortless healing and wholeness:

  • Aligned Self
  • True Essence
  • Zone of Genius
  • Zone of Inspiration
  • Resourced Self
  • Self (vs. lower case self)
  • Balanced, poised, grounded, whole, regulated
  • Soul Self
  • Spirit Self
  • Embodied Self

When you operate from this state of being, your body, mind, nervous system, and physiology follow. AND, when your bodymind and nervous system are covert and well adjusting, your mind follows too! Healing is a multidimensional experience and requires us to address the mind, body, AND spirit. Ultimately, they are one in the same.

2. Speak to “what is” right now versus creating a story

As good as it can feel to talk about the problems of life, this strategy without a grounded container and direction can often lead to drama dumping or verbal rumination. Verbal rumination without intentional change only leads to deeper wiring of old neurological patterns in both the brain and body.

At Inspire Life, as much as we love addressing the body AND mind, we are not therapists. We work closely with specific therapists and coaches who have a somatic approach to their care which works extremely well in tandem with our approach in the office known as Network Spinal (you can learn more here).

You cannot be stuck in the mind without being stuck in the body

Have you ever been with that one friend or family member who continues to share the same problems they have without actually doing anything about it or making sustainable progress? You can see their potential and yet, they continue to ruminate on the same old “stuff.”

The truth is, we’ve all been there, us included! The unique thing about our care at the office is that we take a neurological, body first (bottom-up) approach. What this means is that we address the stuck patterns in your body/nervous system first so that your mind can also start to “untangle” so to speak. Remember, the body and mind are one unit and cannot be separated.

As our practice members choose to reorganize their bodymind, they create access to new thoughts, new emotions, new somatic experiences which ultimately leads to new outcomes and results in their life. This happens effortlessly without needing extra hours to get stuck in the mental stories of life which often hinders our growth in the long-run. Again, this is why we are big advocates of therapists who take a more progressive, somatic approach to healing versus just talk therapy.

When you choose to be engaged with what IS in your bodymind versus avoiding it with
a mental strategy, you allow wholeness and healing to spontaneously emerge with less
effort and more grace. At this level, YOU become the healer of your life and destiny.

3. Be present in space and time

Presence and love are the master healers of all wounds. Sometimes this is easier said than done. At Inspire Life, we’re here to teach you, your nervous system, and your body how to tape into this potential more and more as your sessions continue.

The truth is, healing is NOT outside of you. It’s all within you. However, at times we get caught rushing, feeling late, stuck in the mind, stressed, projecting - the human experience as we call it. These factors of life can take us out of the present moment which is where true healing exists.

The Network Spinal adjustment (or Entrainment as it’s properly called), is designed to bring your body, mind, and spirit into space-time coherence within the present moment. When you align with presence, healing occurs.

Here are some ways we invite you to tap into this more and more in your care to amplify your results:

  • Be on time to your sessions. Treat your sessions at the office like your most important meeting of the week. Your body is worth it and so are you. When you respect yourself, others around you respect you too. It’s an inside out game.
  • Be present and engaged with your body. We invite you to focus on your body and breath versus getting stuck in a story about something that happened last week that is unrelated to your care. While we love to share our life with you, our primary focus is you, not what we had for dinner last night. If you wish to engage with us on a more personal level, check out our online Inspire Community, The Inspire Co. Vitality Vault, and/or attend an upcoming event at our office! Your healing time on the table is sacred.
  • Receiving vs. Learning - Know the difference. Part of gaining more access to your healing and wholeness requires you to feel safe to receive. At Inspire Life, we are constantly evolving our ways of serving clients, including how we create a more safe and empowering space for you. We also get that as you start to experience radical results with this approach to care, your brain gets curious! We often hear practice members ask:
    • How does it work?
    • What are you doing exactly?
    • How can I do more of this at home?
    • Why do I feel emotional when you touch my spine there?

We hear you loud and clear! We’ve got many resources for you, including a new workshop we are creating that goes even deeper into the HOW behind this approach. Stay tuned for our launch of this workshop by joining our newsletter. In the meantime, here are some things you can engage in to feed your curious mind so that your table sessions at the office can be more bodily focused versus eating up your appointment time just talking:

Yours in gratitude and healing,
The Inspire Team