Have you checked out The Inspire Life Podcast?!

Have you checked out The Inspire Life Podcast?! Have you checked out The Inspire Life Podcast?! Tune into this week’s episode as we discuss one of our favorite topics - Pooping and Digestion! Check it out here, give us a follow, and share with your friends. Peace and...

3 Telltale Signs That You’re a Crappy Pooper

3 Telltale Signs That You’re a Crappy Pooper Gut health has been a hot topic in medicine the last several years. As we continue to better understand the importance of the gut brain connection and what to do to heal, we are learning more about the symptoms....

What I learned from completing my 2nd Triathlon… by Dr. Mel

What I learned from completing my 2nd Triathlon… by Dr. Mel Within the last year, I’ve started getting into Triathlons. Being a team-sport, power athlete growing up, this was something totally new to me. Yet, I’ve always been highly intrinsically motivated, so I...

Chiropractic will NEVER do this…

Chiropractic will NEVER do this… Sometimes when we engage in a healing experience, there can be a perception that everything “stressful” will simply wash away. Whether it be chiropractic care, acupuncture, a healing retreat in Mexico, Shamanic Medicine, massage, etc.,...