Droplets of Love (and serious ENERGY!)
Droplets of Love (and serious ENERGY!) Here at Inspire Life we know the name of the game...
Love of Self
Love of Self It’s February, and the common theme of this month always seems to be love…...
What is Somato Respiratory Integration?
What is Somato Respiratory Integration?Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI) exercises...
Reflection. By Michael Krug
Reflection. By Michael Krug As December rolls in we are blessed with beautiful snow and...
What are YOU grateful for? by Michael Krug
What are YOU grateful for? by Michael Krug November has always been one of my favorite...
Dr. Mel’s Morning and Evening Routine
Dr. Mel's Morning and Evening Routine Before we dive in, I want to express gratitude for...
#nofilter is better
#nofilter is better Did you know that temporary, direct skin exposure to unfiltered UVB...
Why Mental Health Matters
Why Mental Health Matters It is no surprise that mental and emotional health disorders...
Save your BRAIN!
Save your BRAIN! Technology - a love/hate relationship. Now don't get me wrong - I love...
How to travel like a ROCKSTAR
How to travel like a ROCKSTAR I don't know about you... But anytime I travel to new...
Why I started writing with my left hand
Why I started writing with my left hand After 4 months away in Asia one summer, my...
“The Breath of Life”
"The Breath of Life" "Breathing is not just for oxygen;it’s now linked to brain function...