by Mel Krug | May 29, 2020 | Blog
The Beyond - Post COVID19: A world without physical touch & hugs I was talking with my neighbor this past weekend about the current state of life. We got to talking about how great it will feel to go to a party or local brewery and be around more people than just...
by Mel Krug | Apr 27, 2020 | Blog
Growth is NOT a linear path…it is multi-dimensional (an excerpt from my future book just for you) I found myself one spring morning during the COVID19 pandemic doing yoga among the trees. I noticed how far the branches were reaching into the sky. I couldn’t help...
by Mel Krug | Mar 31, 2020 | Blog
4 Simple Steps to Navigating Anxiety - How to use your body to calm your mind When you think of anxiety, what comes to mind? Worries, tight chest, increased breathing, racing heart, painful shoulders, racing mind, concerns about the future, lack of control, “what if,...
by Mel Krug | Mar 29, 2020 | Blog
Lessons from Nature - how to become ADAPTABLE in a chaotic world ???????????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????? ????When I was a little girl, I would sit on the sidewalk and study the ants ???? how could something so small create such...
by Mel Krug | Mar 18, 2020 | Blog
COVID19 Update - 3-17-2020 At this time, we are taking all the necessary health precautions recommended by our State and National Chiropractic Boards (we just got off the phone and completed our team meeting yesterday). Inspire Life IS OPEN with some important changes...