by Mel Krug | Dec 2, 2018 | Blog
Stress: It’s NOT in Your Head, it’s in Your Nervous System (original article by Melody Walford; excerpt from ) Have you ever been told when you’re stressed to stop worrying and just relax? That it’s all in your head? It would be nice if...
by Mel Krug | Nov 19, 2018 | Blog
Boost Your Immune System this Holiday Season A study out of the scientific journal Chiropractic and Osteopathy was designed to see if certain blood cells would produce more of an immune substance (Interleukin-2/IL-2, specifically) after chiropractic adjustments. IL-2...
by Mel Krug | Nov 5, 2018 | Blog
“Do I have to keep going forever?” When it comes to chiropractic care (or any health strategy, really), often times what deters people from starting is the concern that once they start, they have to keep going forever. This concern is of course valid and...
by Mel Krug | Oct 7, 2018 | Blog
Pumpkin Spice your LIFE “Pumpkin Spice Latte with whip cream on top?” Think again… I do love a great coconut milk latte (minus all the added artificial syrups and sugars). As we merge into autumn, the trend seems to always be to PUMPKIN-UP your life. Coffee, tea,...
by Mel Krug | Sep 11, 2018 | Blog
Why Infants Need Chiropractic Care (excerpt from Pathways to Family Wellness, by Cole Bradburn, DC) It is common to get strange looks from people I talk to about taking infants to the chiropractor. I know what is going through their heads: Is it safe? Babies don’t...