8 Simple Tips for Staying On Track While Eating Out

8 Simple Tips for Staying On Track While Eating Out Guest Blog from Michael Krug. See Original Post HERE Eating out is one of those things in life that seems to be a win in many categories. The ambiance, delicious new dishes, being with friends and family, and having...

What I learned from completing my 2nd Triathlon… by Dr. Mel

What I learned from completing my 2nd Triathlon… by Dr. Mel Within the last year, I’ve started getting into Triathlons. Being a team-sport, power athlete growing up, this was something totally new to me. Yet, I’ve always been highly intrinsically motivated, so I...

5 Tips to Improve Your Golf Game This Summer

5 Tips to Improve Your Golf Game This Summer There is debate as to whether Mark Twain said it first, but, “golf is a good walk spoiled,” reigns true for many who partake in the past time. Here are 5 simple, yet very effective tips to help you shave a few strokes off...

Chiropractic will NEVER do this…

Chiropractic will NEVER do this… Sometimes when we engage in a healing experience, there can be a perception that everything “stressful” will simply wash away. Whether it be chiropractic care, acupuncture, a healing retreat in Mexico, Shamanic Medicine, massage, etc.,...

Are you lucky? Or are you ALIGNED?

Are you lucky? Or are you ALIGNED? As you may know, my fiancé and I are just days away from traveling to the green landscape of Ireland. And it got me thinking about LUCK versus ALIGNMENT.  We all know those people in our life who we claim to be “lucky.”...