by Dr. Mel Krug | Oct 4, 2021 | Blog
The Myth of Self-Sabotage: 3 Ways to Un-Hijack Your Brain and Embody Your Powerful Self How many of us get SO close to what it is we want to create & manifest in our lives & then…???????????????????? We “sabotage our success” & spiral into the shame only...
by Dr. Mel Krug | Jun 21, 2021 | Blog
The 5 default patterns of an overwhelmed, overloaded nervous system (and how to shift) People-pleasing, avoidance, procrastination, quick to anger, disassociation, apathy, confusion, frustration, irritation… Do any of these sound familiar to you? How about those...
by Mel Krug | Jan 11, 2021 | Blog
Why most people won’t hit their goals in 2021 (and principles you can apply to help you hit yours) It’s 2021! New year, new goals, new you…right?Maybe…if you resonate with that mantra. To be honest, I’ve never been a big fan of the “new year, new you” mantra....
by Mel Krug | Dec 13, 2020 | Blog
3 ways to measure your health that most doctors are missing Have you ever been told from your doctor that there is nothing else they can do to help? Or perhaps they told you that “you’ll just grow out of it,” or that it’s all in your...
by Mel Krug | Nov 22, 2020 | Blog
The Hidden Truths about Trauma & how to overcome and triumph for your body, mind, and life “Mel…in the world of therapy and mental health, we call that molestation.” Her words hit me like a sandbag to the gut and yet, I felt incredibly free all at the same time....
by Mel Krug | Oct 12, 2020 | Blog
3 Ways Network Spinal Care is Different than Traditional Chiropractic “There has got to be more than this…” Have you ever asked yourself this question? Perhaps you’ve hit a plateau in your healing journey and you feel stuck. I get you. So many of my clients have...