by Mel Krug | Jan 28, 2020 | Blog
How to get unSTUCK & FLOURISH this spring What if I told you that the way to get UNSTUCK in any aspect of your life (physical, career, relationships, family, health, etc.) is to actually learn HOW to be OK with the stuck-ness itself…? Say WHAT?!Hear me...
by Mel Krug | Jan 10, 2020 | Blog
4 Ways to begin to MASTER your Menstrual Cycle Consider that one of the MAIN reasons you’re ???????????????? in the ???????????????????? is because those who came before you had a ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????...
by Mel Krug | Dec 27, 2019 | Blog
My TOP “Holiday Hacks” to help keep you more GROUNDED during the holiday season… I’ve learned to love Christmas❤️and the Winter Holidays. But.. I Use to really hate it…especially during the years I was questioning all things religious and...
by Mel Krug | Dec 1, 2019 | Blog
How to live an ALIGNED life… What does it mean to live an ALIGNED life from the inside out?In this videocast episode, we connect with thought-leader in all things alignment, Jennifer Ally! Tune in as she shares perspectives on alignment, following what feels...
by Mel Krug | Nov 6, 2019 | Blog
Have you checked out The Inspire Life Podcast?! Have you checked out The Inspire Life Podcast?! Tune into this week’s episode as we discuss one of our favorite topics - Pooping and Digestion! Check it out here, give us a follow, and share with your friends. Peace and...
by Mel Krug | Sep 30, 2019 | Blog
3 Telltale Signs That You’re a Crappy Pooper Gut health has been a hot topic in medicine the last several years. As we continue to better understand the importance of the gut brain connection and what to do to heal, we are learning more about the symptoms....