Stress: It’s NOT in Your Head, it’s in Your Nervous System
Stress: It's NOT in Your Head, it's in Your Nervous System (original article by Melody...
Boost Your Immune System this Holiday Season
Boost Your Immune System this Holiday Season A study out of the scientific journal...
“Do I have to keep going forever?”
"Do I have to keep going forever?" When it comes to chiropractic care (or any health...
Pumpkin Spice your LIFE
Pumpkin Spice your LIFE “Pumpkin Spice Latte with whip cream on top?” Think again… I do...
Why Infants Need Chiropractic Care
Why Infants Need Chiropractic Care (excerpt from Pathways to Family Wellness, by Cole...
6 Reasons Why Network Spinal is an Optimal Option for Your Child
6 Reasons Why Network Spinal is an Optimal Option for Your Child August is here, which...
You are What You EAT!
You are What You EAT! Summers in Minnesota often consist of days at the lake, hiking,...
Have you checked your brakes lately?
Have you checked your brakes lately? It’s summer time in Minnesota! The fast-paced,...
How to Optimize your ZzZzZz’s
How to Optimize your ZzZzZz's Check out Dr. Mel’s latest tips on optimizing your sleep!...
From “Who am I?” To “Who I AM!” Michael’s Story of Chiropractic, Hope and Healing.
From "Who am I?" To "Who I AM!" Michael's Story of Chiropractic, Hope and Healing. My...
Would you like your brain to work more effectively?
Would you like your brain to work more effectively? Dr. Heidi Haavik is the Director of...
Your Body is AMAZING!
Your Body is AMAZING! How often do you stop and appreciate how incredible your body is?...